Abstract Art Pattern Design | Design de padrões com Arte Abstrata
Two patterns I created for an university project. Now I tweaked them to work perfectly since I'm studying pattern design. Acrylic on paper with digital retouching. In process of developing all kinds
New Painting Drawing | Nova Pintura Desenho
New composition painting, 25 cm x 34 cm, acrylic and colored pencils on paper *** Nova pintura composição; 25 cm x 34 cm; acrílico e lápis de cor sobre papel
New Painting Drawing | Nova Pintura Desenho
A new small acrylic painting on paper I did for my exhibition is Oporto. It is also the cover of our latest independently published book: Quadra a Quadro, written by
New Drawing Painting | Nova Pintura Desenho
Mixed media on paper | Técnica mista sobre papel; 25 cm x 34 cm New painting drawing: Dreams happen when we sleep
New Abstract Composition | Nova composição abstrata
Mixed media on paper; 25 cm x 34 cm, 2022 Study for painting; Photoshop Final work and respective study. Mixed media on paper; 25 cm x 34 cm, 2022 *** Trabalho final e respetivo
New drawing | Novo Desenho com poesia,
New drawing composition and its previous study *** Novo desenho de composição e o seu respetivo estudo. A Ana Eme criou uma poesia sobre este trabalho. Pode ler aqui: Dançavam o Ivo e a
Finalized Drawing
Jazz musicians drawing Here is my finalized drawing of the studies I showed previously. Mixed media on paper. Available for sale as original, print and NFT. *** Aqui está a versão finalizada dos
Exhibition | Exposição Bocage e Eu: A procura da liberdade
Exposição Bocage e Eu: A procura da liberdade, no museu maeds, até dia 22 de Fevereiro. Apareçam!
Painting done in 2019 *** Pintura feita em 2019
Pattern Design Illustration | Desenho e ilustração de padrões
For an university work, I was asked to design a pattern. I then thought about using a detail of one of my paintings to make it. For such a work, you