Dance Drawing | Desenho dança
One more of this series. Will be drawing a lot in the next few months. *** Mais um desta série. Irei desenhar imenso nos próximos meses.
Dance drawing | Desenho dança
Another dance drawing. *** Outro desenho de dança.
Dance Drawing | Desenho Dança
I'm making a new series of these. Then I'll try some new subject, such as animals. But I'm using these to free my mind.***Estou a fazer uma nova série destes
Dance Drawing | Desenho Dança
Another dance drawing, this time with a pen, felt pens, colored pencils and blow pens. *** Outro desenho de dança, desta vez com caneta, caneta de feltro, lápis de cor e canetas
New dance drawing | Novo desenho dança
I'm currently doing lots of graphic design work for school so I don't have much time for fine art, but did this one today :) *** Estou a trabalhar imenso para o