Artist, Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Teacher from Lisbon, Portugal


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Estudos com a tablet para o trabalho de ilustração.Em baixo o estudo de uma das personagens:---Studies with a tablet for my illustration work.Bellow you can see the study of one of the characters:Um pouco diferente do que costumo fazer mas nunca tinha feito algo do género. Está a ser engraçado ilustrar um livro a partir de um conto (neste caso o de Adília Lopes).----A little bit different than what I usually do. It's being

My first drawings on this subject (discovery of characters). I started by basing myself on other works to find a character created by me. It’s still in development. --- Primeiros trabalhos (descoberta de personagens) na minha cadeira de ilustração. Comecei por me basear noutros trabalhos para encontrar uma personagem criada por mim. Algo ainda a desenvolver.

Composition; acryilic and india ink on paper; 20 cm x 20 cm Composition; acryilic and india ink on paper; 20 cm x 20 cmSmall compositions on paper with fluid line brush strokesYou can find them available as print (the first one is also available as an original) on  my Etsy shop.Small paintings on paper that are currently on the "Obra sobre Papel" (Artwork on Paper) exhibition, on the Trindade Gallery (see previous post).(Is it unconscious