Studies for a Painting based on music
These are two studies I did for a painting. Will now start them as a physical painting. Available as NFT's at open sea: *** Estes são dois estudos que fiz
Studies for paintings/Drawings
Study for jazz painting Study for jazz painting I'm doing these studies using Photoshop because it helps me to develop the composition in a quicker way. I have been taking Photoshop courses
Exhibition | Exposição Bocage e Eu: A procura da liberdade
Exposição Bocage e Eu: A procura da liberdade, no museu maeds, até dia 22 de Fevereiro. Apareçam!
Painting done in 2019 *** Pintura feita em 2019
Mascot Design Drawings
I was given pictures of a dog and I had to visualize the dog in this position (as described by client), from four different views. My drawings were then sent
Pattern Design Illustration | Desenho e ilustração de padrões
For an university work, I was asked to design a pattern. I then thought about using a detail of one of my paintings to make it. For such a work, you
Vilma’s Sketchbook Portraits | Retratos Diário Gráfico
Several portraits I made of Vilma on my sketchbook. *** Vários retratos que fiz da Vilma no meu diário gráfico.
Text Divisors Illustrations | Ilustrações para Divisores de texto
Illustrations done for text divisors of a website: | Ilustrações feitas para divisores de texto de um website: Things that moved us Random Reclaiming Algebra Modelling Lines of Inquiry Projects Prototypes Administrivia Circles Sounds Sights Meditations on our mission
CIVI Character Development | CIVI Desenvolvimento de Personagem
Civi Mascot frog designed for Celestial Voyagers website as asked by client. Client had a different frog in sketch and we ended up agreeing on developing a girly frog in
Zoom Nude Model Drawings 2 | Desenhos modelo nu via zoom 2
Mostly done with felt pens. Some were done with graphite and acrylic inks. Zoom life model drawing July 19th, 2021. Organized by Find the model on instagram @johaundavy *** A maioria